Need based consultancy for marketing support
Milk is one agricultural commodity from which many dairy products in different variants can be manufactured. With increased per capita milk availability and rise in disposable incomes, the household expenditure on milk and milk products has grown. This has improved the potential for marketing value-added dairy products through innovations and new product launches.
NDDB has taken initiatives to assist dairy cooperatives to enhance marketing activities. The “Mnemonic Symbol” awareness campaign under the Perspective Plan 2010 was aimed to promote the attributes of freshness and purity of milk processed by cooperatives. The Quality Mark symbol awareness campaign helped promote consumption of Safe and Quality Milk and milk products. Campaign on “Drink more milk, live Healthy” were done to promote cooperative Brands.
NDDB has initiated an exercise to support select milk coops in preparing and implementing comprehensive marketing plans. It entails promoting value-added milk products in which margins are higher so that more money can be ploughed back to dairy farmers. It envisages increase in sales volume through better distribution networks in urban and rural markets, reasonable pricing and effective promotional campaigns. The coops are encouraged to strengthen e-commerce activities on the digital marketing platform and for consumer awareness campaigns for connect with consumers. NDDB is working with Cooperatives to capitalise on the legacy of the brand and rebuild the brand afresh for contemporary image makeover.
Support to Strengthen Marketing Operations of Producer Owned Institutions
NDDB has introduced “Support to Strengthen Marketing Operations of Producer Owned Institutions (POIs)” scheme with the objective to support smaller POIs to strengthen their marketing operations so as to increase their market share of milk & milk products.
Support to Strengthen Marketing Operations of Producer Owned Institutions